The challenge

Tory Hill House is a 100% organic small Irish dairy and beef farm in Co. Limerick. They’re run by 3 generations of women, incredibly passionate about what they do. Everything they do is small-scale, with animal welfare in mind—but they have big ambitions. Our goal was to highlight their farm as a unique and wholesome experience for visitors to the Ballyhoura region.

What we did

Tory Hill House’s mission really resonated with us. Nestled in beautiful Golden Vale land, in the heart of Limerick, showcasing what they do was almost easy! This first video was about introducing the farm’s story to a wider audience. We wanted to highlight the enduring philosophy that makes Tory Hill House so unique and showcase the farm’s beautiful location.

Client: Ballyhoura Tourism

The video is welcoming and informative (with some cheeky light-hearted moments). We hope it inspires people to come visit Tory Hill House and sample their produce.



Content was re-purposed for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X & YouTube.


Plays across social

Instagram was the winner with a healthy number of views across other platforms.



Plus plenty of engagement in the form of comments, shares and saves.

“The videos look beautiful. Thank you both for all your hard work. We really enjoyed the experience and look forward to doing more.”

Hannah Mulligan

Tory Hill House

tory hill house 3 generations of women ireland
Hannah, Catherine and Kate. The 3 generations of women running Tory Hill House


A happy client makes us happy. This was a wholesome project and we’re grateful for the opportunity to work alongside like-minded people like Hannah and Kate.

Tory Hill House also gave us great feedback; as a result of the video they experienced:

  • An increase in social media followers

  • Achieved greater awareness of what they do, as seen by the increase in foot traffic to their store

We also received a call-back for a bigger collaboration with Tory Hill House. This 2nd project is rolling out on their new YouTube channel.

A hen in the foreground and a dog in the background at Tory Hill House, a small 100% organic Irish dairy and beef farm
Organic Farm shop sign at Tory Hill House, displaying produce for sale
ducks in a field at Tory Hill House, a small 100% organic Irish dairy and beef farm